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Last Train to Christmas 2021

Followed by Tony Towers, he's a local celebrity, a successful nightclub manager and he is engaged to a younger woman, Sue. Things get a little strange when he embarks upon the 3:17 to Nottingham for a Christmas family reunion.
6.1/10 IMDb
Comedy,Drama,Fantasy Sky have a had a run of good self made movies of late but this wasn't one. In fairness the acting was the redeeming feature, they were all pretty spot on, as you'd expect from such a talented cast. This isn't really a Christmas movie, apart from people occasionally bringing up its Christmas which feels forced for the dialog, or bits of Christmas music the plot could be any time of year(s) Felt like trying to go for some sort of feature length black mirror vibe with some sliding doors thrown in, and it just didn't land for me. The plot line starts off with a good concept but loses itself further it goes on, and the last 20 minutes are odd and kill the let bit of interest I had. I didn't really laugh at any point and had no feelings about any of the characters of their arch (if you could say they had one). The end just left me feeling like I'd wasted 2 hours of my life and filed under won't watch again.